Degree in History – Teaching Plan – Educational coordination
As a whole, the proposed modules constitute a coherent and feasible proposal, assuring the acquisition of the Degree competences. To achieve the competences development proposed in the EHEA (Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior EEES), various activities for teaching-learning will be developed, among which stand out: Theoretical class, practical class, practical-theoretical class, theoretical-practical class, debate, exhibition, seminar, individual specialized tutoring, collective specialized tutoring and non face-to-face activities.
For this reason, periodic meetings with the Degree coordinator and the teaching team will be held to permanently ensure the horizontal (within an academic course) and vertical coordination (throughout the different courses) of the subjects involved in the Degree, as to the design, type and relationship of the designed activities.
The evaluation systems will also be expanded, which may include, in addition to the final exam, the students participation in the face-to-face activities, as well as the preparation and / or presentation of works supervised by the teacher.
The student will be assigned a tutor whose function will be to guide and advise him in his personal curricular planning.