The Master’s programme in Heritage, Archaeology and Maritime History is of great academic and scientific interest, as its main objective is to develop an integrated idea of historical heritage and maritime history in line with the most recent trends and inspired by international, national and regional organisations. It discusses heritage, archaeology and history, their knowledge, conservation, research and dissemination, focusing on specific aspects of historical heritage, archaeology and maritime history, and linked to a specific geographical area. The main objective is to develop an integrated idea of Historical Heritage through a notable interdisciplinary, cross-disciplinary and integrated vision of it. All this will allow students to obtain a complete and updated training.
This Master’s Degree presents, together with the research profile where a large part of the studies on Historical Archaeological Heritage at our university are channelled, an eminently professional profile, as it will allow the training of qualified specialists who manage and enhance our rich historical and cultural heritage through a global critical understanding, by means of a rigorous analysis and the application of the most appropriate techniques related to research, cataloguing, inventory, preservation, conservation and dissemination. Among its possible professional opportunities are highly qualified specialists in demand by both public administrations and private companies, in the field of professions linked to the management and enhancement of historical-cultural and historical-archaeological heritage.
This postgraduate programme allows the continuation of and access to studies in the Doctorate Programmes of the University of Cadiz itself:
Studies on heritage, archaeology and maritime history arouse great scientific, academic and professional interest in a large number of universities, public institutions and private organisations. The proposed Master’s degree is of the utmost academic and scientific interest as it raises, from an interdisciplinary perspective, current issues related to the research and management of historical and archaeological heritage, in addition to aspects related to maritime history. All of this allows for the training of qualified specialists who, immersed in the problems derived from the management and research of historical heritage, archaeology and maritime history studies, will become good professionals.
The general objectives of the Master’s degree include:
- To train specialists in the comparative knowledge of social and human sciences, especially maritime history, archaeology in the area of the Strait of Gibraltar and the management of historical heritage, with an impact on the improvement and social valuation of the heritage legacy.
- To train heritage specialists with a solid knowledge of archaeology in the area of the Strait of Gibraltar, historical heritage management and history, with a special sensitivity towards maritime history, with the aim of providing students with a critical awareness that facilitates a multidisciplinary and transversal conception of archaeological historical heritage.
- To foster awareness that debate and research in the social and humanistic sciences are under continuous construction, providing future specialists with an awareness of the methods and problems of the different branches of research in the social and humanistic sciences.