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Facultad de Filosofía y Letras




According to article 18 of Royal Decree 822/2021 on Access and Admission to Official University Master’s Degrees:


  • 1- The possession of an official Spanish university degree or equivalent is a condition for access to a University Master’s Degree, or, where appropriate, the possession of another University Master’s Degree, or degrees of the same level as the Spanish Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree issued by universities and higher education institutions of an EHEA country that in that country allows access to Master’s studies.


  • 2- Similarly, access to a University Master’s Degree in the Spanish university system may be granted to persons holding degrees from educational systems that do not form part of the EHEA, which are equivalent to the Bachelor’s Degree, without the need for official recognition of the degree, but with verification by the university of the level of training involved, provided that in the country where the degree has been issued it allows access to postgraduate university studies. Under no circumstances will access by this route imply the recognition of the previous qualification held by the person concerned or its recognition for purposes other than that of undertaking the Master’s degree studies.


  • 3- Universities shall ensure transparent and accessible information on admission procedures and shall have in place guidance systems for students. They shall ensure that such information and admission procedures take into account students with disabilities or special needs, and shall have in place appropriate support services and counselling.


  • 4- Universities may exceptionally establish, on the basis of specific regulations approved by their governing bodies, conditional enrolment procedures for access to a Master’s Degree. This shall consist of allowing a Bachelor’s degree student who has up to 9 ECTS credits remaining to complete the TFG to access and enrol in a University Master’s degree, although under no circumstances may he/she obtain the Master’s degree if he/she has not previously obtained the Bachelor’s degree. The universities will guarantee priority enrolment for students who hold the official university degree of Graduate. In this procedure, credits pending recognition or transfer in the Bachelor’s degree, or the requirement to pass a certain level of knowledge of a foreign language in order to obtain the degree, may be taken into account.


  • 5- Universities or centres shall regulate admission to university master’s degree courses, establishing specific requirements and, if necessary, training complements, the credit load of which may not exceed the equivalent of 20 per cent of the credit load of the degree. The complementary training credits shall have the same consideration as the rest of the credits of the syllabus of the University Master’s degree.


  • 6- Universities shall reserve at least 5 percent of the places offered in official university Master’s degrees for students with a recognised degree of disability equal to or greater than 33 percent, as well as for students with permanent educational support needs associated with personal circumstances of disability, who in their previous studies have required resources and support for their full educational inclusion.


Similarly, and in accordance with the provisions of art. 75 of the Andalusian Law on Universities, Consolidated Text approved by Legislative Decree 1/2013, of 8 January, for the sole purpose of admission to university centres, all Andalusian public universities are constituted in a single district, with the management of the same being entrusted to a specific commission, constituted within the Andalusian Council of Universities. The composition of this commission was established by Decree 478/1994, of 27 December 1994, which continues to act after the publication of the aforementioned Consolidated Text of the Andalusian University Law.


For further information on the Single Andalusian District, please consult the following web link. For further information on the generic access and admission requirements in the SAD, please consult the following web link.


In addition to the access requirements generally established in article 16 RD 1393/2007, applicants must meet, where appropriate, the specific requirements of each Master’s degree to which they wish to be admitted. In this sense, the admission criteria and requirements for the university master’s degree in Heritage, Archaeology and Maritime History respond to the general regulatory agreement adopted by the Andalusian academic authorities that affects all the official master’s degrees offered in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia and which are reflected in the access mechanisms established through the Single Andalusian University District, which are objectifiable and ponderable, available on the web page for the Evaluation of Access to University Master’s Degrees (master’s degree catalogues) and which respond to the following elements:


  • 1- Academic record, with a value of 50%.


  • 2- Adequacy of the academic training to the curriculum of the master’s degree, with a value of 30 %.


  • 3- Previous professional experience of the student, with a value of 20 %.


These specific requirements are made public from the beginning of the application period until the end of the process at the respective university.