Pre-registration will be carried out during three different phases established by the Single Andalusian District (DUA) through its website.
These phases are divided into:
Phase 1 (exclusively for foreigners): For this phase, places are offered exclusively for foreign students. The aim of this phase is to offer these students enough time so that, if they are accepted in the Master, they can prepare their administrative documentation or scholarships, prior to their arrival in Cadiz (visa, scholarships from their country of origin, etc.).
Phase 2 (open to all interested parties): In this phase, the remaining places available for access to this master’s degree are offered. It is open to all those interested who meet the requirements for access to a university master’s degree established on the DUA website.
Phase 3 (places available as a result): In this phase, places that have not been filled during the prev.ious phases will be offered.
Documentation to be provided during the pre-enrolment process on the DUA virtual platform:
Interested parties must attach the following documentation to their pre-enrolment application:
- Copy of the University Degree (or receipt for the issuance of the degree). It is important to note that only candidates with completed studies, including the defence of the Final Degree Project, can be accepted.
- Curriculum vitae detailing the information especially related to the subject of the master’s degree, academic training, courses, professional experience, publications, as well as all the aspects considered relevant for its assessment (the CV must be accompanied by the documentation accrediting the above-mentioned merits).
- Copy of the Academic Transcript, which must include the subjects taken, as well as their grades and the average mark of the University degree.
List of pre-admitted candidates.
Each phase corresponds to a list of pre-admitted students and a specific enrolment period. We recommend that you consult the specific section of the DUA website to find out about these deadlines.
Once again, we recommend that you consult the enrolment dates for each phase on the web link in the previous section. Once admitted, students can formalise their enrolment on the UCA website – Master’s Degree Enrolment, according to the dates indicated on the website.
All the information regarding the costs of enrolment in the master’s degree is available at the following web link. In any case, the public price per credit in 1st registration for the Master in Heritage, Archaeology and Maritime History is €13.68 (€820.80 for 60 credits).
For students who are going to enrol in the specific module of Archaeology, from the coordination of the Master it is recommended to pay the voluntary accident insurance, in case during the academic year they have the possibility to participate in an archaeological excavation campaign.