Master´s Degree in Gender, Identity and Citizenship – Title´s identification
Name: Master’s Degree in Gender, Identity and Citizenship
Branch of Knowledge: Arts and Human Sciences
UCA Code: 0562
RUCT Code: 4311142
Publication in BOE: BOE 16/12/2010 BOE 27/06/2012
Publication in BOE of RUCT register: BOE 07/02/2014
Responsible Center of the title: Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences
Teaching place: Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences (Campus de Cádiz)
University: University of Cadiz
Participating University: Cádiz-Huelva Agreement
Academic year of the implementation of the title: 2006/07
Required credits and course duration: 60 credits ECTS in 1 academic course
Teaching Method: Blended learning
Languages in which the title is taught: Castillian Spanish
Number of places on offer: 30
Academic opportunities in relation to other studies: Másteres Oficiales y Doctorado
Job opportunities: documento
Fecha de publicación del título en el BOE (inscripción en el RUCT).
BOJA nº 151. 12/08/2016:
BOE nº26. 31/01/2017:
Plan de estudios del título publicado en el BOE.
La estructura general del plan de estudios del título publicado en el BOE puede encontrarse en
estas dos páginas: