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Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

Degree in History – Competences

General competences.

In the list of generic and specific competences listed below, the suggestions of the groups or non-university entities that are related to the degree have been integrated (schools, professional associations, reference companies in the sector) and that have been part of the commission of external agents consulted to assess the report. The competences collected in documents prepared by networks, projects or national and international entities have also been included. In this way, Degree profile has been adjusted to the social and labor demands of the University of Cádiz environment.

According to the Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education (Marco Español de Cualificaciones para la Enseñanza Superior MECES) and R. D, of 29-10-07 (Annex I, section 3.2.), The following will be guaranteed:

  • That the students have demonstrated to possess and understand the knowledge in an area of ​​study that begins at the base of the general secondary education and usually finds a level that, although supported by advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that involve knowledge coming from the avant-garde in their field of study.
  • That students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation, in a professional way and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and problem solving within their area of ​​study.
  • That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of ​​study) to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
  • That the students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to a specialized and non-specialized public.
  • That students have developed the necessary learning skills to undertake later studies with a high degree of autonomy (Support Guide, p.11).

1. Instrumental competences

A.1. Capacity for analysis and synthesis

A.2. Organization and planning capacity

A.3. Oral and written communication in the native language

A.4. Computer skills related to the field of study

A.5. Skills to manage information

A.6. Problem resolution

A.7. Decision making


2. Personal competences

B.1. Teamwork

B.2. Work in an interdisciplinary team

B.3. Work in an international context

B.4. Skills in interpersonal relationships

B.5. Diversity and multiculturalism recognition

B.6. Critical thinking

B.7. Ethical commitment


3.  Systemic competences

C.1. Autonomous learning

C.2. Adaptation to new situations

C.3. Creativity

C.4. Leadership

C.5. Knowledge of other cultures and customs

C.6. Initiative and entrepreneurial spirit

C.7. Motivation for quality

C.8. Promote and ensure respect for Human Rights and the principles of universal accessibility, equality, non-discrimination and democratic values ​​and the culture of peace.


4. Specific competences of the degree.

G01.- Be able to interpret and analyze societies in their spatio-temporal evolution.

G02.- Have the basic knowledge of historical research processes.

G03.- Know how to transmit knowledge and contents of the historical evolution of societies.

G04.- Have basic skills in dissemination, scientific dissemination and knowledge transmission.

G05.- Have basic skills in the management and analysis of documentation for historical knowledge and cultural heritage.

G06.- Be qualified to perform specific tasks of the technical bodies of national and international public administrations, especially European ones.

G07.- Have basic knowledge in the human resources and development cooperation management.

G08.- Be qualified for the historical and cultural heritage management.

G09.- Be proficient in the development of activities and programming in the market and the cultural and publishing industry.

G10.- Skills to undertake continuous learning.

E01.- Knowledge of the historical evolution and of the basic parameters of the formation and functioning of human societies.

E02.- Search and manage bibliographic resources.

E03.- Historical sources analysis and interpretation.

E04.- Skills to express oneself adequately in different contexts.

E05.- Capacity for integration and adaptation to teamwork.

E06- Ability to analyze and interpret the archaeological record.

5. Modules specific competences.

5.1. Universal History Module:

HU01: Ability to transmit attitudes of tolerance and respect for the points of view that derive from different historical and cultural traditions.

HU02: Ability to appreciate the different factors and processes that cause change in human societies.


5.2. History of Spain module:

HE01. Acquire a general knowledge of historical events and processes of change and continuity in a diachronic and spatial perspective in the spatial framework of Spain.

HE02. Contribute to the critical recognition of the historical and cultural diversity of Spain.


5.3. Historiography module:

TH01: Ability to have a rational and critical vision.

TH02: To know the epistemological characteristics of historical knowledge.

TH03: To understand the historiographic production generated by rational-scientific thinking.

TH04: Ability to analyze the elements of the historical context in the general human societies development.

TH05: Ability to differentiate in historiographic production between theoretical frameworks, methodological instruments and research techniques.


5.4. Curricular Reinforcement module:

MRC01: Ability to appreciate the different factors and processes that cause change in human societies

MRC02: Ability to organize, plan and manage general information about various subjects in a transversal plane.

MRC03: Ability to search and manage bibliographic resources.


5.5. Specific competences of the subjects of the optional module Itinerary 1:

IT1 / 01: Basic knowledge of historical development in the Euro-Mediterranean area.

IT1 / 02: Ability to organize, plan and manage general information about various subjects in a transversal plane.

IT1 / 03: Ability to appreciate the different factors and processes that cause change in human societies.


5.6. Specific competences of the subjects of the optional module Itinerary 2:

IT2 / 01: Have basic knowledge of the historical development of cultural manifestations.

IT2 / 02: Ability to organize, plan and manage general information about the various cultural aspects in a transversal plane, either for basic research purposes or for knowledge applied to any of the Degree profiles.

IT2 / 03: Integration of the knowledge acquired in other modules in a general frame of evaluation of the recent historiographical thought and of the economic, social, political and intellectual tradition factors that motivate them.


5.7. Specific competences of the subjects of the Final Degree Project module.

The competences are gathered in each one of the index of the Degree subjects (it will depend then on the subject option chosen by the student).


6. Specific competences of the subjects.

Specific to the subject ART:

ART01: Know the instruments and basic contents of the main processes of Art History.

ART02: Acquire the basic skills necessary for the dissemination, scientific dissemination and transmission of acquired historical-artistic knowledge.

ART03: Acquire knowledge and skills for the management and development of historical-artistic and cultural heritage.

ART04: Be qualified to perform the specific tasks related to Art History that the labor market may claim.


Specific to the subject GEOGRAPHY:

GEO01: Acquire an integrated vision of the territory, with special emphasis on the physical environment.

GEO02: Understand the dynamics of terrestrial natural systems and their final expression in landscapes.

GEO03: Know the vocabulary and general notions in geomorphology, climatology, hydrology and biogeography.

GEO04: Manage some territorial recognition instruments such as cartographic.

GEO05: Assimilate the basic concepts and terms of Geography.

GEO06: Understand the basic lines of the regional division of the world, and the historical changes they have experienced.

GEO07: Acquire an integrated vision of the geographic spaces studied, emphasizing the existing links between the physical environment and human activities.

GEO08: To understand the basic lines of the regional division of Spain, and the historical changes they have experienced.


Specific to the subject PHILOSOPHY:

F01: Knowledge of the main philosophical currents of the world.

F02: Skilful in the use of philosophical terminology.

F03: Ability to integrate philosophical knowledge in the study of History

F04: Ability to approach in original texts the investigation of a subject specific to the speciality. Specific to the subject


Specific to the subject ARCHEOLOGY:

ARQ01: Familiarize the student with the scientific methodology that makes historical knowledge possible through Archeology.

ARQ02: Provide the student with the skills and abilities that allow the historical issues analysis through the use of archaeological information sources.

ARQ03: Have basic knowledge about the processes of research and recovery of the archaeological record (prospections, excavations, and archaeological studies).


Specific to the subject EPIGRAPHY AND NUMISMATICS:

EP01: Familiarize the student with the scientific methodology that makes historical knowledge possible from Epigraphy.

EP02: Provide the skills to transcribe and interpret inscriptions.

EP03: Familiarize the student with the scientific methodology that makes historical knowledge possible from coins.

EP04: Comprehensive reading of the different types of lapidary writing used throughout History.

EP05: Capacity and skills to identify, classify and study currencies.


Specific to the subject PALEOGRAPHY

PAL01: Be able to use the specific techniques necessary to study documents of certain periods.

PAL02: Achieve knowledge and ability to use information gathering instruments such as bibliographic catalogs, file inventories and electronic references.



D01: Be able to identify the different types of documents and the offices that issue them.

D02: Achieve a knowledge of the deposits where the documents are kept.


Specific to the subject UNIVERSAL PREHISTORY:

PRE01: Knowledge of the production modes and ways of life of prehistoric societies.

PRE02: Be able to have a clear basis for the human groups relationship with the natural environment during the Pleistocene and the Holocene.

PRE03: Have basic knowledge about the processes of research and recovery of the prehistoric archaeological record (prospections, excavations, and archaeological studies).

PRE04: Know and practice with the essential instruments for field work in prehistoric archeology.

PRE05: Handle the basic tools for the technical drawing of prehistoric archaeological materials.


Specific to the matter UNIVERSAL ANCIENT HISTORY

HA01: Organize, plan and manage general information about the ancient world.


Specific to the subject UNIVERSAL MEDIEVAL HISTORY

HM01: Organize, plan and manage general information about European culture between the 5th and 15th centuries.


Specific to the subject UNIVERSAL MODERN HISTORY

HMO01: Organize, plan and manage general information about European culture between the 16th and 18th centuries.



HC01: Organize, plan and manage general information about world history in the 19th and 20th centuries.


Specific to the subject HISTORY OF AMERICA

HDA01: Analyze the historical transformations and the most relevant social and economic issues of each era in the American territory.

HDA02: Organize, plan and manage general information about American cultures and their relations with other continents.



PPI01: To have knowledge of the production modes and ways of life of the prehistoric societies of Iberian Peninsula.

PPI02: Have a clear basis for the human groups relationship with the natural environment in the Pleistocene and Holocene, in the spatial framework of Iberian P.

PPI03: Have competences in the domain of categories of analysis of the cultural theories applied to the societies of the Prehistory of the Iberian P.

PPI04: Critical training in relation to current events and processes with the prehistoric past.

PPI05: Have training in basic knowledge about the processes of research and recovery of the prehistoric archaeological record (prospections, excavations, and archaeological studies).

PPI06: Handle basic tools for the technical drawing of archaeological materials.


Specific to the matter ANCIENT HISTORY OF SPAIN

HAE01: Know the historical evolution and the basic parameters of the formation and functioning of the ancient society in the Iberian Peninsula.

HAE02: Acquire a rational and critical knowledge of the Ancient History of Spain with the purpose that the student can understand the current problems.

HAE03: Acquire a general knowledge of historical events and processes of change and continuity in a diachronic and spatial perspective.

HAE04: Contribute to the critical recognition of historical and cultural diversity.

HAE05: Analysis and interpretation of historical sources for the Ancient History of Spain.

HAE06: Capacity to appreciate the different factors and processes that cause change in the Ancient History of Spain.


Specific to the subject MEDIEVAL HISTORY OF SPAIN:

HME01: Have knowledge of the historical evolution and the basic parameters of the formation and functioning of Hispanic medieval society.

HME02: Acquire a rational and critical knowledge of the Medieval History of Spain with the purpose that the student can understand the current problems.

HME03: Analysis and interpretation of historical sources for the Medieval History of Spain.

HME04: Ability to appreciate the different factors and processes that cause change in the Medieval History of Spain.


Specific to the subject MODERN HISTORY OF SPAIN

HMDE01: Know the historical evolution and the basic parameters of the formation and functioning of modern Spanish society.

HMDE02: Possess a rational and critical knowledge of the Modern History of Spain with the purpose that the student can understand the current problems.

HMDE03: Be able to analyze and interpret historical sources for the Modern History of Spain.

HMDE04: Appreciate the different factors and processes that cause change in the Modern History of Spain.

HMDE05: Have knowledge about the Andalusian peculiarities of the historical processes of the Modern Age.



HCE01: Know the historical evolution and the basic parameters of the formation and functioning of contemporary Spanish society.

HCE02: Have a rational and critical knowledge of the Contemporary History of Spain to understand the current problems.

HCE03: Acquire a general knowledge of historical events and processes of change and continuity in a diachronic and spatial perspective.

HCE04: Contribute to the critical recognition of historical and cultural diversity.

HCE05: Analyze and interpret historical sources for the Contemporary History of Spain.

HCE06: Appreciate the different factors and processes that cause change in the Contemporary History of Spain.


Specific to the subject HISTORICAL HERITAGE:

PH01: Knowledge and ability to use the instruments of historical information collection.

PH02: Have basic competences in the management and documentation analysis for historical knowledge and cultural heritage.


Specific to the subject HISTORY AND THE ENVIRONMENT:

HMA01: Manage paleoenvironmental information and know its impact on human activity throughout history.

HMA02: Analyze natural man-environment relationships.


Specific to the subject HISTORY OF MIGRATIONS:

HMIG01: Acquire basic knowledge about the different human migratory flows from the Modern Era to the present.

HMIG02: Ability to use interdisciplinary methodologies, either for basic research purposes or for applied knowledge in any of the Degree profiles.



4. Other complementary competences for curricular development.

The University of Cádiz assumes the commitment to promote values ​​that it has incorporated as an institution among its purposes, as well as those contemplated in the legal framework for higher education institutions, and those agreed for the autonomous community of Andalusia by the Andalusian Council of Universities. Accordingly, through the annual teaching planning, it is proposed the inclusion of training activities and contents related to aspects such as:

  • Democratic values. Cooperation, solidarity, and culture of peace. Commitment to human development and equity. Interculturality and social inclusion.
  • Sustainability and environmental commitment. Equitable, responsible and efficient use of resources.
  • Principle of Equality between women and men. Respect for diversity.
  • Social responsibility of companies and institutions. Professional codes of conduct
  • Knowledge of the social environment related to the studies. Knowledge of the professional environment.
  • Knowledge of the profession context linked to the Degree in the world.
  • Design for everyone and universal accessibility.
  • Entrepreneurial culture.
  • Development of language skills, and especially the most specific of the Degree. Our Faculty proposes as general criteria that all Philological degrees reach a knowledge of the specific language of the Degree and of a second modern language, and in the case of the Degree in History the student must have acquired the skills related to level A2 of the CEFR.

5. Entrepreneurial skills


In terms of entrepreneurial skills, The guide of the entrepreneur; from the idea to the company has been taken as a reference (Valencia, Bancaja-AJEV, 2008). In this document you can find the main qualities that an entrepreneur must develop and which ones the student can acquire by taking the entrepreneurship workshop included in the “Practical” module and by following the itineraries that have been designed with a profile of professional orientation:


A) To develop independence, intuition, initiative and vision of the future.

B) To develop creative and innovative ideas and find “competitive advantages” with a view to a clear orientation towards achievement.

C) To acquire self-confidence and desire to excel and learn.


The acquisition of these skills would allow the student and future entrepreneur to avoid in advance the main mistakes in the first incursions in the business world: not having the training before starting; not having the business plan in writing; sticking to a single idea; not delegating or overdelivering; misassigning a key position; making a bad choice of partners; ignoring the financial position of the company; selling what the entrepreneur wants and not what the client demands; and not admiting or correcting mistakes in time.