Degree in French Studies – Competences
1. Basic Competences
The Degree in French Studies will guarantee first of all the basic competences set out in Annex I (“Report for the request for verification of Official Degrees”) of RD 1393/2007, of October 29, which establishes the organization of the official university education (BOE No. 260, of October 30, 2007, Annex I, section 3.2.):
B1) That students have demonstrated to possess and understand knowledge in a study area that starts from the general secondary education base, and is usually found at a level that, although supported by advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects of knowledge coming from the vanguard of their study field.
B2) That students can apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the skills usually demonstrated through the argument elaboration and defense and the problem resolution within their study field.
B3) That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (normally within their study field) to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant issues of a social, scientific or ethical nature.
B4) That students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to a specialized or non-specialized public.
B5 That the students have developed the necessary learning skills to undertake subsequent studies with a high autonomy.
2. General and Specific Competences
In the creation of the general and specific competences of the Degree in French Studies, the suggestions of the groups or non-university entities that are related to the degree (schools, professional associations, reference companies in the sector) and that have been part of the external agents comission consulted to assess the memory, have been integrated. The competences collected in documents prepared by national and international networks, projects or entities have also been included. In this way, the degree profile has been adjusted to the greatest extent to the social and labor demands of the University of Cádiz environment. The principles set out in point 3.5 of RD 1393/2007, of October 29, which establishes the organization of official university education (BOE No. 260, of October 30, 2007, Chapter 1) have also been taken into account, according to which any professional activity must be carried out:
I) “from respect for fundamental rights and equality between men and women.
II) From the respect and promotion of Human Rights and the principles of universal accessibility and design for all, according to the provisions of the final provision of Law 51/2003, of December 2, on Equality of opportunity, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for disabled people.
III) In accordance with the values of a peaceful and democratic culture.
Likewise, the general and specific competences included in the White Book of the Degree in studies in the field of Language, Literature, Culture and Civilization of the National Agency for the Evaluation of Quality and Accreditation have been taken into account. However, these have been expanded because of the design needs of this Degree, which, as indicated above, does not have a strictly philological nature, but rather aims to develop the professional versatility of future graduates.
On the other hand, and as far as the general structure of this report is concerned, it should be noted that, to the extent that the transversal competences have to be developed in every module of the teaching plan, they have not been specifically recorded in the respective modular description tables elaborated in point 5.3 of this report, in which only its global inclusion is mentioned. This is not the case with specific competences, which will be included in the aforementioned tables because of their curricular relevance.
In sum, the general and specific competences proposed in the Degree in French Studies are those listed below:
Generic Instrumental Competences
G1) To know in a basic way in the French studies area and in the professional profiles related to it.
G02) To analyze, synthesize and apply the knowledge acquired.
G03) To plan and manage time in the development of learning tasks, research and ideas transmission.
G04) To use the New Information and Communication Technologies as a tool for learning, research and dissemination.
G05) To locate, manage and synthesize bibliographic information, as well as that contained in databases and other computer and Internet instruments.
G06) Capacity for oral and written communication in the mother tongue.
G07) Satisfactory second language knowledge.
Systemic Competences
G8) To develop autonomous learning strategies for information management.
G9) To adapt to new situations and to generate creative and innovative ideas and to find the ‘competitive advantages’
G10) Ability to face problem solving and decision making with a critical and self-critical spirit.
Personal Competences
G11) To work as a team, both in a national and international context, and with expert or non-expert personnel in the field.
G12) Know other foreign languages and cultures from the English global dimension, and diversity and multiculturalism appreciation.
G13) To assume the design and management of projects with initiative and entrepreneurial spirit and leadership.
G14) To asses ethical commitment, the concern for quality and the motivation for achievement.
Disciplinary knowledge
E01) To know the French language at level B1 (French Language I), B2 (French Language II and French Language III), C1 (French Language IV and French Language V) and C2 (French Language VI) of the CEFR.
E02) To kow the French phonological system and phonetic writing (international phonetic alphabet).
E03) To possess a comparative knowledge between the French language and the Spanish language.
E04) To know the mechanisms and manifestations of diversity and linguistic change, in their chronological, geographical and socio-cultural evolution.
E05) To know the basic principles of teaching and learning French as a foreign language.
E06) To know the main linguistic theories (morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics and discourse analysis) of the French language.
E07) To know the theories and methods for the linguistic and literary text analysis in French language.
E08) To know the main translation currents and the most common translation techniques from / to French.
E09) To know the characteristics of sectorial languages in the French language.
E10) To know the physical and economic geography, the political life and the culture of France and he francophone countries.
E11) To know the stages, main movements, authors and works of the French / French-speaking literatures in their linguistic, historical, ideological, social and cultural dimension.
E12) To know the literature in French language in relation with the other arts.
E13) To know the trends and most relevant schools in the history of literary theory and French literary criticism.
E14) To know the main thematic lines in the different literatures of the francophone territories.
E15) To know the historical processes that have given rise to the cultural diversity of current societies with special attention to the phenomenon of colonization and immigration.
E16) To know the currents of thought and the aesthetic lines that have originated and supported the literary production of the French-speaking world.
E17) To know the literature in French language in its role of analysis of the social imaginary and the awareness towards the cultural stereotypes.
E18) To know the reality of France and the francophone countries in the globalization context.
Professional competences
E19) To write correctly and transcribe phonetically speeches and texts in French language.
E20) To analyze the divergences between the French language and the Spanish language.
E21) To perform linguistic / literary analysis and comments in the French language.
E22) To translate texts of medium-high complexity to / from French.
E23) To apply the strategies and communication techniques of the sectorial languages in French.
E24) To use specific techniques of documentation and information management for the compression and translation of specialized texts to / from French.
E25) To organize and structure content through reading and summarizing articles of literary criticism and relate them to the subjects studied.
E26) To make a reasoned critique of literary / business texts in the French language.
E27) To analyze, through different documents and from a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective, the different forms of artistic and literary expression.
E28) To interrelate and contrast certain monographic topics of literature in French language from a comparative perspective.
E29) To perform a comprehensive and analytical reading of literary texts.
E30) To reflect critically on the cultural stereotypes that make up the current French / French-speaking social imaginary.
E31) To understand and analyze the literary production of the francophone field from a multicultural point of view and to know how to extract practical elements for intercultural mediation.
Academic Competences
E32) To understand and transmit the scientific production in the languages studied, critically evaluating the bibliography consulted and framing it in a theoretical perspective.
E33) To identify problems and interesting topics as well as evaluate their relevance.
E34) To be able to interrelate the different aspects of French Studies and compare them with those from other areas and disciplines.
Other complementary competences for curricular development
The University of Cádiz assumes the commitment to promote values through training, which is incorporated as an institution among its purposes, as well as those contemplated in the legal framework for higher education institutions, and those agreed upon for the autonomous community of Andalusia by the Andalusian Council of Universities. Accordingly, through the annual teaching planning, it will be proposed to include in the subjects of training activities and content related to aspects such as:
- Democratic values; cooperation, solidarity, and peace; commitment to human development and equity; interculturality and social inclusion.
- Sustainability and environmental commitment; equitable, responsible and efficient use of resources
- Equality between women and men; respect for diversity.
- Companies and institutions social responsibility; professional conduct codes
- Knowledge of the social environment related to the studies; knowledge of the professional environment
- Knowledge of the professional context linked to the Degree in the world
- Design for all and universal accessibility; entrepreneurial culture
- Language skills development, and especially the most specific of the Degree.
1. Language Competences
Regarding language skills, our Faculty proposes as general criteria that all philological Degrees reach a knowledge of the specific language of the Degree and of a second modern language.
In the Degree in French Studies, the student’s training will culminate with the acquisition of skills related to level C1 of CEFR and of some skills related to level C2. With regard to the second language, if it is French or English, the training could culminate with the acquisition of language skills related to level B2 (CEFR). In the case of the other languages offered by the Faculty, the student must have acquired the skills related to level A2 of CEFR.
2.Entrepreneurial skills
In terms of entrepreneurial skills, The guide of the entrepreneur; from the idea to the company has been taken as a reference (Valencia, Bancaja-AJEV, 2008). In this document you can find the main qualities that an entrepreneur must develop and which ones the student can acquire by taking the entrepreneurship workshop included in the “Practical” module and by following the itineraries that have been designed with a profile of professional orientation:
CE1) To develop independence, intuition, initiative and vision of the future.
CE2) To develop creative and innovative ideas and find “competitive advantages” with a view to a clear orientation towards achievement.
CE3) To acquire self-confidence and desire to excel and learn.
The acquisition of these skills would allow the student and future entrepreneur to avoid in advance the main mistakes in the first incursions in the business world: not having the training before starting; not having the business plan in writing; sticking to a single idea; not delegating or overdelivering; misassigning a key position; making a bad choice of partners; ignoring the financial position of the company; selling what the entrepreneur wants and not what the client demands; and not admiting or correcting mistakes in time.