Degree in French Studies – Access – Information previous to registration
Information system previous to registration and accessible procedures for the new students orientation to facilitate their incorporation into the university and the Degree.
La propuesta de título presentada tiene previstos mecanismos para hacer llegar información básica y complementaria a los posibles alumnos de nuevo ingresos. En el mismo sentido mantiene en la página web un acceso fácil y accesible a toda la información necesaria para la matriculación. Igualmente existen procesos contrastados desde hace años dirigidos a la acogida y orientación de los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso.
Dissemination means which will be used to inform the students about the Degree and the registration process.
The Entry Profile will be the basic element used in the activities within the Plan of new students recruitment and registration.
For many years, the University of Cádiz, from the General Access Management (Vicerrectorado de Alumnos), annually prepares an orientation campaign for students starting their university studies. From the General Access Management, meetings are organized in Secondary Schools. In this event, UCA members and professionals from different Degrees participate. The intention is to show the entry profiles, the curricula and the career opportunities to future university students. They are also informed about the pre-registration and registration process. Also within this Plan, information and orientation tables are organized in pre-registration and registration centers by Degrees students and teachers. This Plan is organized through the process P02 – Pre-university orientation procedure and entry profile included in the UCA General Quality Assurance System and the Degree itself.
In addition to this personal contact, the students tutors are provided with a CD with all the information and it is published on the UCA website.
The channels of dissemination and information on the Degree and on the registration process are mainly made through virtual means through the UCA web pages, as well as through specific documentation delivered by the General Directorate of Access to each future student. Our Faculty receives organized visits for high school students. During these visits they are shown all the dependencies of the same, in order to get a global vision of our Faculty: our Degrees, classrooms, library, study rooms, seminars, computer rooms, cafeteria and other dependencies. In addition to this contact with the Center, the tutors of the students in the centers are provided with a CD with all the information and it is made public on the UCA website for the consultation of potential students about the Degree and the registration process. In addition, potential students have a forum on the Faculty website where they can discuss the difficulties that may arise.