Degree in Arabic and Islamic studies – Teaching planning – Degree’s objectives
This Degree wants to combine two levels of knowledge: one of general knowledge focused on the subjects related to Arabic and Islamic studies and another instrumental and applied one that qualifies for the professional activity.
- Both levels of knowledge must guarantee a series of general objectives that are:
- In compliance with the provisions of Real Decreto 1393/2007 of October 30, contribute to the knowledge and development of human rights, democratic principles, the principles of equality between men and women, solidarity, environmental protection, universal accessibility for all, and for the promotion of the culture of peace (See the teaching planning section and the competency summary table).
- Offer a broad and transversal training.
- Integrate the scientific reflection as part of the humanistic formation trying to create bridges in the current separation between scientific and humanistic knowledge, focusing on culture as a broad concept that includes science, art, thought and languages.
- Relate the proposed knowledge with professional activities within the field of humanities.
The teachings that lead to get the Degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies must provide students with a solid linguistic and cultural background in the field of Arabic, which must be manifested in competences and skills related to an excellent oral and written practice of said language, with the knowledge of the Arab-Islamic civilization (geography, religion, thought, history, literature, art, science, sociology, institutions, daily life, etc.) as well as with sufficient knowledge of -at least- a second language that allows communication and dialogue to be carried out easily and spontaneously in normal situations of daily life, with the mastery of methodological tools of linguistic and literary type, and with the possibility of using new information management technologies and of knowledge.
Regarding to language skills, the student must perform at least as an independent user at a level equivalent to B1 of the CEFR. Completing the studies of the proposed Itinerary for the last two semesters of the Degree, the student can overcome this level, reaching the advanced B2.
It is very important to have a good knowledge of their area of civilization, so that this knowledge of Civilization shows an adequate understanding of the circumstances and Arab-Islamic societies, thus facilitating intercultural understanding, not only of the realities of the Iberian Peninsula in the past, but, very especially, of the realities of the present in the respective civilizational frameworks.
In the list of generic and specific competences, the suggestions of the groups or non-university entities that are related to the degree (schools, professional associations, reference companies in the sector) and that have been part of the commission of external agents consulted to assess the memory, have been integrated. The competences included in documents prepared by national and international networks, projects or entities have also been included. In this way, the profile of the degree has been adjusted to the greatest extent to the social and labor demands of the University of Cádiz environment.